by captjeff | Aug 23, 2020 | Plane Tales
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There are many things that one might want to be remembered for. A fine physician, a pioneer aviator, a renown aeronautical researcher, an inspired inventor but perhaps not as the greatest charlatan ever to see his name associated with an airplane, even though his scout fighter the Christmas Bullet had a perfect kill record… it killed everyone who ever tried to fly it!

The AEA Redwing

One of Christmas’s Patents

The Christmas Bullet

The Christmas Bullet

The Liberty 6 Engine

Dr Christmas
Images under creative commons licence with thanks to the Library of Congress, US Gov, US Patent Office and the USAF.
by captjeff | Aug 17, 2020 | Plane Tales
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Back in 1997, on a sliver of land wedged between a gas station and a car park, a lone C130 Hercules could be found. It was mounted there near the entrance to the National Security Agency at Fort Mead in Maryland for a good reason. Not the original aircraft, as that crashed on foreign soil, it had been painted with the tail number 60528 to represent it.

The memorial to the crew of 60528

The C130 airborne

The plot of 60528 and the track of the intercepting fighters.

A Mig 17

Gun camera film from the attacking Mig17s

Gun camera film from an attacking Mig 17 showing the C130 in flames

The crash site of 60528

A USN Neptune

A Mig15

An LA11

An RAF Lincoln

The U2 spy plane

Gary Powers

The memorial to the crew of the C130

Arlington Cemetery
Images under Creative Commons licence with thanks to the NSA, Soviet Defence Archives, 1Lt Kucharyaev, Soviet Air Force, Kirill Pisman, Adam Jones, Garry Goebel, RIA Novosti archive and IP Singh.
by captjeff | Aug 7, 2020 | Plane Tales
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If you are anything like the usual aviation enthusiast you’ll have a list of famous names in your head that you can quote at parties to bore your friends like, Wilbur and Orville, Bleriot, Richthofen, Lindbergh, Sikorsky, Whittle, Yeager and such but I wonder if you can place some of the others who deserve recognition.

Charlie Taylor

Hans Von Ohain

Ohain’s HeS8 jet engine

The He178

The He280

Gloster E-28

Olive-Ann and TravelAir

The Staggerwing

Doolittle and the Mystery Ship

Louise Thaden

Bessie Coleman

Mae Jemison


Colin Defries
Images under Creative Commons licence with thanks to the USAF, the Air Force Research Lab, Embryriddle, RAF/IWM, SDASM, Flugkerl2, BAC, NASA, Museums Victoria,
by captjeff | Aug 1, 2020 | Plane Tales
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He is dead now but you’ll find no stone to mark his grave since he has neither grave nor marker, which is a little odd for a much decorated American hero who fought for his country with outstanding bravery… but it was his wish and his family accepted that.

Boeing B-17D

The 509th

Project Alberta

The Trinity Test tower

The world’s first atomic bomb just prior to the Trinity Test

The Trinity Test fireball

Little Boy

The mission map


Hiroshima just after detonation

The Hiroshima Damage estimation map

Enola Gay returns

Tibbits in Enola Gay

Tibbits is decorated by Gen Spaatz

Enola Gay in the Udvar Hazy

Paul W Tibbits
Images under Creative Commons licence with thanks to the USAF, US Gov, Project Alberta, Mr98, Berlyn Brixner, US Gov DOD, Jack W Aeby, United States Department of Energy, George R Caron, U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, Armen Shamlian and elliottwolf.
by captjeff | Jul 22, 2020 | Plane Tales
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In 1941 the German Navy commissioned its latest submarine, the U-134 and as it slid out of harbour to join the 5th U boat flotilla, Captain-Lieutenant Rudolf Schendel keenly anticipated the mission ahead. You may be wondering why this Type 7C U Boat should feature in a Plane Tale but bear with me as I introduce the K-74. Built a year after the U-134, the K 74 came from a company with an interesting origin, the Goodyear Zeppelin Corporation. This is their intriguing story.

The Type VIIc U-Boat

One of the few U Boats to survive the war.

Zeppelins over London

A British recruitment poster

The Goodyear Zeppelin Airdock

The Airdock interior

The Goodyear K Class blimp

K-Class blimp arrives in Gibraltar

The U-134’s last patrol

The U-134 survives an attack

A K-Class on patrol

Attack report of the engagement between K-74 and U134

A K-Class is loaded with Depth Charges

The K-Class crew man their gun

HMS Rother finally sinks U-134 with all hands

Images under Creative Commons licence with thanks to NSA, UK National Archives, Darkone, US Library of Congress, the Goodyear Zeppelin company, USN, Grossnick Roy A, Royal Navy and the US Naval Institute.
by captjeff | Jul 18, 2020 | Plane Tales
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The ejector seat is still a subject of fascination for a lot of pilots, mainly those who have never been strapped to one. It’s often the opinion of folk not part of the small fast jet community that an ejection is a simple matter, you just pull the handle and ‘boom’ you’re safe.

The B58 Hustler

An ejector seat from the B-58 Hustler

Smarter than the average bear!

North American Aviation test pilot George Smith.

The F100

Vought A-7E-5-CV Corsair II

The USS Constellation during her 1964–1965 WESTPAC cruise
Images under Creative Commons licence with thanks to J Clear, USAF, USAF National Air Museum, US Navy archives, US Gov, Hanna–Barbera and Robert L. Lawson.