by captjeff | Aug 31, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
By for the most successful vertical take off fighter ever built. The Harrier was a technological success for Hawker Siddeley that produced a fast jet fighter that could land on a runway and in a ploughed field!

Images under Creative Commons licence by Alan Wilson and Anthony Noble.
by captjeff | Aug 25, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
An eclipse of the sun moves over the earth at an incredible speed and no aircraft could possibly keep up with the shadow it casts whilst carrying a whole team of expert observers… except perhaps one!

Images through Creative Commons licence, Sunil Gupta, Natarajanganesan and André Cros.
by captjeff | Aug 19, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
America is keeping the Second World War at arms length whilst a Pan Am Clipper is wending its way from San Francisco down to Auckland in New Zealand. What happens next is a remarkable achievement for a civilian airliner but it remains an almost unknown story.

by captjeff | Aug 11, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
The tragic death of a friend leads to a life saving technology that has saved so many pilots. Martin Baker.

Images through Creative Commons licence, StromBer and US Gov US Navy.
by captjeff | Aug 5, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
A faulty jet engine combustor leads to a tragic disaster but much is learned from the Manchester air disaster.

Images through Creative Commons licence, UK Gov Crown copyright.
by captjeff | Jul 31, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
In aviation we use a bewildering array of measurements, enough to confuse, baffle and discombobulate the average pilot.