by captjeff | Nov 19, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
The story of the development of the first Supersonic airliners. The non existent Boeing, the successful Concorde and the disaster that was the TU144, Charger!

Boeing 2707 mockup.

The TU144 flying at the 1973 Paris Air Show the day before it crashed.

The last ever flight of Concorde G-BOAF.
Images under Creative Commons licence, Arpingstone – Adrian Pingstone, Ralf Roletschek, RuthAS and Bill Abbott.
by captjeff | Nov 17, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
The remarkable exploits of the Canadian fighter ace who fought in World War 1. He remains the most decorated hero in the history of the Canadian armed service.

Col Barker, VC, in one of the captured German aeroplanes against which he fought his last air battle in 1919.

Images under Creative Commons licence, Canadian Copyright Collection held by the British Library, Barker, Wm. G and For Valour – The Air VCs Chaz Bowyer.
by captjeff | Nov 13, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
A late night take off dissolves into a nightmare for a cargo crew flying a venerable Lockheed Electra as, one by one, their engines fail.
Image under Creative Commons licence, RuthAS.
by captjeff | Nov 5, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
A union dispute against an aggressive and ruthless employer can result in sadness, bitterness and broken lives. Nij Demery was a senior union representative and then president of such a union during the longest industrial action in aviation history. This is the final part of his story.
by captjeff | Oct 28, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
A union dispute against an aggressive and ruthless employer can result in sadness, bitterness and broken lives. Nij Demery was a senior union representative and then president of such a union during the longest industrial action in aviation history. This is the second part of his story.
by captjeff | Oct 21, 2017 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
A union dispute against an aggressive and ruthless employer can result in sadness, bitterness and broken lives. Nij Demery was a senior union representative and then president of such a union during the longest industrial action in aviation history. This is the first part of his story.