by captjeff | Dec 16, 2018 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
Luke Howard, the man who changed castles into Cumulus and mares tails into Cirrus. No weather forecast would be complete without his system.

Cumulus cloud.

Cirrus cloud.
Images under Creative Commons licence with thanks to Acabashi and PiccoloNamek.
by captjeff | Dec 10, 2018 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
An attempt to distill the crash of Air France 447 down to the the simple causes and dispel some of the fanciful and unhelpful theories that surround this accident.

The accident aircraft, an A330-200.

The location of the wreckage of Flight 447.
Images under Creative Commons licence with thanks to Pawel Kierzkowski, Valter Campanato/ABr and Roberto Maltchik Repórter da TV Brasil.
by captjeff | Dec 3, 2018 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
My first Plane Tale when they weren’t really a thing… the story of Joe Gilmore remastered, re-recorded and revisited. This was the vital British addition to the Apollo mission to put men on the Moon!

Otherwise known as the Four Score and Ten… created for Sir Winston Churchill on his 90th Birthday.

The drink that the first Moon walking Apollo astronauts tasted after their mission quarantine ended.

Created to celebrate the Apollo-Souyz joint project to join up in space.

Joe Gilmore’s supposed hangover cure!
Images under Creative Commons licence.
by captjeff | Nov 24, 2018 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
A conversation with Sir Richard Johns KCB KCVO CBE and retired Chief of the Air Force about his love of military history.

Images by
by captjeff | Nov 18, 2018 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
An explanation of some of the strange terms that we bandy about in aviation.
Image under Creative Commons licence with thanks to Raff.
by captjeff | Nov 10, 2018 | Plane Tales
Podcast (pt): Download
The poppies were some of the first flowers to grow over the churned battlefields and freshly turned earth of war graves during the First World War and on 3 May 1915 they inspired the Canadian physician Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae after witnessing the death of his friend and fellow soldier the day before, to write the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’.

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae.

McCrae’s poem, In Flanders Fields.

The funeral of Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae who was buried with full military honours.
Images under Creative Commons licence with thanks to King W. L, MarnixR and the Guelph Museums.