Recorded live in beautiful, sunny Estero, Florida. Did you hear about the 80-year-old woman who landed a twin Cessna in Wisconsin? I’ll bet you haven’t heard the audio from that… no worries, I gotcha covered! Updates on United Express Flight 5912 in Denver and air cycle machines (no, not your clothes dryer!). Listener feedback from Liz, Kevin, Chris, and Lee.

Make sure you check out that “Send Voicemail” widget tab over there, yeah, right over there on the right side of the window! Use it to send me audio feedback. Go ahead… make my day!

Air Cycle Machine
Ryanair tells cabin crew to lose weight in latest bid to save money
Nose Gear Skid

I’m “Capt. Jeff” on Facebook, and “airlinepilotguy” on Twitter.
(304) 99-PILOT
(304) 997-4568

ATC audio from
Intro/Outro music by Tim Brown, BrownHouseMedia,
USAF Airmen of Note
Copyright © AirlinePilotGuy 2011, All Rights Reserved