
What better location to record my 100th episode than the “Birthplace of Aviation,” Dayton, Ohio? As they say, “sit back, relax, and enjoy” the next 2+ hours of me rambling on and on about many different things. Like the Southwest pilots who landed at the wrong airport. They were close. But, not close enough. As I’ve said many times, it’s not the first time this has happened, and it won’t be the last. Guaranteed. So, how can it be possible in this day of sophisticated navigation displays that we still have pilots landing at the wrong airport? Ah. The Human Factor. And as much as many out there would love to eliminate the human in the equation, the fact remains that humans, more often than not, actually “save the day” in the world of man and machine.

Oh. Not again. A Japan Air 787 Dreamliner experiences another battery-related issue. The good news? The system or “solution” actually worked as intended by isolating the single cell thermal runaway. The bad news? We still have cells going into thermal runaway.

Again, I received a lot of great questions from you, my listeners. Is a college degree really necessary for a commercial airline pilot? Which is better, Multi-crew Pilot license program or PPL CPL IR ATPL program? What are the vision requirements to be a pilot in the Air Force? Why did you leave the Georgia Institute of Technology after just one year? Lots more great questions and feedback.

Here’s that picture that Frik sent me of the low-flying South African Air Force Harvard:

harvardharvard 2

B10_frontAOh, and don’t forget to check out Brightline Bags, the place to get a flight gear bag like mine. And for a limited time, use the Discount Code airlinepilotguy to receive a ten percent discount.

Also, please check out my Patreon Page if you get a chance. Remember, my “daily” audio message called “Captain’s Log” is only available to my Patrons. I hope that some of you will find this service a convenient way to contribute to my coffee fund!
B-767 Challenging Crosswind Landing in Birmingham, UK
Highway Strip
Balkans Aviation Academy in Lithuania
Peter Cheney: Why pilots make better drivers
Dr. John’s Approach and landing at Toronto City Centre Airport
Josh Whiting’s FAR 117 PILOT DUTY TIME app: iOS, Android, Windows Phone
Paul Rumsey’s KJAZZ Radio UK



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I’m “airlinepilotguy” on Facebook, and “airlinepilotguy” on Twitter.

(304) 99-PILOT
(304) 997-4568


ATC audio from https://LiveATC.net
Intro/Outro music by Tim Brown, BrownHouseMedia, iStockphoto.com
Copyright © AirlinePilotGuy 2013, All Rights Reserved